Environmental - Social - Governance, from the Tenant point of view

  • Is my current office aligned with my ESG policy ?
  • How a relocation would positively impact my ESG score ?
  • How to downsize my real estate footprint ?
  • What should I change in my real estate / workplace to reach my ESG objectives ?

Most relevant ESG Topics

  • District lively & vibrant
  • Proximity to public transportation & CO2 reduction
  • Building certified, energy efficiency
  • Indoor air quality & ventilation
  • Social responsability & local initiatives
  • Flexible leased space to accomodate uncertainty

CO2 Mobility Audit

  1. Assessing
    • Alternative new office location
    • Homeworking policy
    • Transportation mode
  2. Monitoring
    • Fleet total distance covered
    • Staff wasted time spent commuting
    • CO2 emissions

ESG Performance Scoring

  • What are the most important criteria to consider for improving my ESG strategy ?
  • As an office occupier, find out what your ESG score is.